Our Winter Vegetable Garden Plan
Sukkos is behind us and that means it’s time to get serious about winter vegetable planting. I just ordered a bunch of seeds from my favorite seed store. Now I’m mapping out my growing beds. Here are some considerations in my planning: two of my beds get very little sun in the winter. Really most […]
Is Bloomah’s Photogenic Enough?

Tomorrow a photographer from a major magazine is coming to do a shoot at Bloomah’s City Farm AKA my backyard. This is part of a article featuring me and my kids and our city farming adventures. I’ve known about the shoot for weeks and been flip-flopping my attitude to it: 1. Arggggh… my yard is […]
Landscaping with Builder’s Rubble – Free and Attractive

“Your backpack is so heavy. Have you got rocks inside?” Actually yes. My backpack is full of rocks! How else am I going to get them home? Since I’m building my city farm on a budget, I was looking for free materials to build borders between the paths and the outer beds. So I ventured […]