Soon we’ll start Pesach cleaning and that means that now’s the time to make your natural all-purpose cleaner – made from vinegar and citrus peels.
Step 1: fill a glass jar 2/3rds with vinegar
Step 2: drop in used citrus peels, until the liquid reaches the rim. Seal the jar with a lid. Label and date the jar.
Step 3: Put the on a shelf or windowsill where it can sit undisturbed but you can see it and get warm “I’m a farmer” feelings. It’s very pretty.
Step 4: Wait 1-2 weeks. When it smells yummy, strain out any pulp and put it in a spray bottle, diluting with 50% water.
Step 5: Enjoy your cleaning knowing you saved money, the planet and possibly your health! I use this kind of cleaner on my kitchen counters and the floors. It’s perfect for wiping down surfaces during Pesach cleaning. I really enjoy the smell, particularly when I primarily use oranges.
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Please share your recipe for homemade yogurt:)