The Secret Truth About Growing Your own Vegetables

I have a confession.

Many of the vegetables I grow on my farm are imperfect.

The kind of vegetables that if you saw them in the produce section at the supermarket, you’d be shocked at the low quality and wonder if you should start shopping elsewhere. I also wouldn’t pay good money for an eggplant with craters in it or a roundish cucumber with a tapered tail. It might even fill me with disgust.

Brown specks on the skin of a tomato

But for some reason, if I grew it myself – if I personally watched it sprout, bud, flower and fruit with growing excitement – when it comes time for picking, I don’t mind at all if it’s got a funny shape or a brown spot on the skin. I just cut that off and tuck in. They taste just as good.

I’m only talking about cosmetic flaws – anything that’s infested or rotten goes to the chickens or worms. Of course, conventional farm also produces plenty of “ugly fruit.” However it never reaches the produce section. Rather it is sold cheaply to food processing plants to be turned into ketchup etc. Somehow, if we didn’t know it was once ugly, it’s not gross anymore!

All things in nature are unique in appearance and imperfect in looks. It’s a part of being alive.

It’s almost like my vegetables are members of my family, welcomed and adored despite their obvious flaws.

Except that I don’t eat the other members of my family.

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