Because we grew, harvested, threshed, winnowed, ground, sifted, kneaded and baked it, all here in our apartment in Ramat Beit Shemesh. The challah had a perfect smooth texture with a fresh nutty flavor – L’Kavod Shabbos Kodesh!
Want to learn how anyone can grow wheat on their yard and balconey in Israel – even 6-year-olds?
Read this inspirational how-to article
7 Responses
Naomi you’re awesome and so inspiring!!!? Love it!
Love this! Such a fun project!
24 hours until Yedidya Chapter 8!
so cool to see the entire process of growing wheat and turning it to challah!
This is really cool!
Wow, so cool! What a wonderful experience for your family, too. Are you going to do it again? And how did it taste?
It tasted like good challah but very fresh and a bit nutty.
I want do this again but that would mean getting hold of some wheat stalks. These are not easy to buy at the local supermarket, but I don’t want to let that deter me!
We are definitely planning to grow more in our yard next winter IYH.