Plant-Pick-Taste Open Farm Event – For Women and Kids

THIS EVENT IS BOOKED OUT. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING NOTIFIED OF FUTURE SIMILAR EVENTS, PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW. Summer is at its height and that’s a perfect time to plant, pick and taste on Bloomah’s City Farm and Nature Sanctury. Not to mention to meet and feed our resident chickens – […]

The Easy Guide to Growing Tomatoes at Home in Israel

Lots of us love the idea of growing our own vegetables and the No. 1 vegetable people usually wish to grow in summer is tomatoes! So I am writing this whole article with a message JUST FOR YOU: Don’t let another summer go by without the wonder and excitement of planting and picking your own […]

You’re Invited! Vegie Planting Party for Moms and Kids

THIS EVENT IS BOOKED OUT. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING NOTIFIED OF FUTURE SIMILAR EVENTS, PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW. Spring is now at its height and that mean it’s time to plant your favorite summer vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash and more! If you and your kids have the urge to plant […]

Anyone Can Grow Wheat in Israel: Even 6-Year-Olds

This year on Tu Bishvat – one of my dreams came true! Ever since my oldest was a little guy starting out in kindergarten, I wished that I could bring a serious farming experience to his cheder’s asphalt playground. That “little guy” is already 17 but I finally made my dream happen for his younger […]

Meet Our New Chicks!

Meet our new babysitters! Two little chicks. You may remember the story of Stripey the Hen sitting on her eggs with dedication for 3 weeks. None of them hatched, so Yaakov, the breeder who sold us those fertilized eggs, offered to compensate us with chicks. That meant a family trip to his farm on Moshav […]

Australian Homemade Toffees: The Taste of My Childhood

My daughter has an end-of-year party today and the teachers asked the girls to bring “refreshments” AKA mounds of candy and junk. However, instead of schlepping me to the sweet store, my daughter begged me to make homemade toffees and I was happy to do so. Not because they have zero chemicals, colorings and additives. […]