The Easy Way to Grow Your Own Aravos – Willow Branches

Next Sukkos, pick your own home-grown Aravos. Willow Trees grow very well in pots and require little care to thrive.
Why Grow Pitanga Berries in Israel – and How to Enjoy Them

Three years ago we planted a Pitanga, a sub-tropical shrub that grows really easily in Israel and produces LOTS of very pretty berries. This year we are allowed to eat the berries (following the 3 year orlah wait). I was so excited to try one! Well, I was in for a suprise! But before I […]
The Easy Guide to Growing Tomatoes at Home in Israel

Lots of us love the idea of growing our own vegetables and the No. 1 vegetable people usually wish to grow in summer is tomatoes! So I am writing this whole article with a message JUST FOR YOU: Don’t let another summer go by without the wonder and excitement of planting and picking your own […]
Anyone Can Grow Wheat in Israel: Even 6-Year-Olds

This year on Tu Bishvat – one of my dreams came true! Ever since my oldest was a little guy starting out in kindergarten, I wished that I could bring a serious farming experience to his cheder’s asphalt playground. That “little guy” is already 17 but I finally made my dream happen for his younger […]
5 Reasons You Will Plant Garlic Now
Stop wishing you could grow your own vegetables in Israel, and start planting garlic today. It’s incredibly easy and rewarding!
Don’t Buy Basil, Grow MAGIC Basil

Meet Magic Basil: one of my favorite plants to grow in Israel. It blooms all year, produces tasty leaves and benefits the world (bees love it). I always pick leaves from this perennial basil for my delicious homemade pesto. It’s not the same as the annual basil you buy in the supermarket, in that it […]