“Jewish Girls Don’t Live on Farms!”

“Jewish Girls Don’t Live on Farms!” That’s what my Mum said to me as a teenager living in a middle-class, largely Jewish neighborhood in Sydney, Australia. It’s also the first line of my chapter in a brand new book of real-life stories of English-speaking Charedim from around the world who have chosen to make their […]

You’re Invited! Wheat-to-Challah Harvest Party for Moms and Kids

It’s wheat harvest season here in the Land of Israel! Here’s on Bloomah’s City Farm our small plot of wheat is fully ripe and ready for harvest! You’re invited to experience the wonder and fun of harvesting wheat and turning it into a loaf of fresh Challah. Yes, you are about to discover that threshing, […]

My Grandmother’s Chocolate Pesach Cake Recipe

The sixth day of Pesach is my grandmother’s yahrzeit – this year will be 2 years since she left us. I would like to honor her by sharing one of her recipes, a very tasty Kosher L’Pesach chocolate-orange cake. As the kosher catering queen of Sydney, Australia, for over 50 years, my grandmother made hundreds […]

Anyone Can Grow Wheat in Israel: Even 6-Year-Olds

This year on Tu Bishvat – one of my dreams came true! Ever since my oldest was a little guy starting out in kindergarten, I wished that I could bring a serious farming experience to his cheder’s asphalt playground. That “little guy” is already 17 but I finally made my dream happen for his younger […]

Make it a Positive Family Summer – With Free Printable Mitzvah Tickets

Summertime is here. That means less structure and much more free time. Some people dread it but I love it. Well, maybe I don’t love EVERYTHING about summer. If you’re a parent like me, you may also struggle with keeping up positive habits for your kids during the free-and-easy summer months. For example, getting up […]

Making and Lighting Olive Oil with Kids

In honor of Chanukah, I just ran a hands-on olive picking and pressing workshop for the family’s of the Community Garden of Arnona, a neighborhood in southern Jerusalem. The first step was to pick the olives off the branches that I brought in. Then we had to crush the olives. Then we pressed the crushed […]

Bloomah’s in Mishpacha: What My Rabbi Said

Today, October 14, is an exciting day for me and my mission: a 6-page feature article about Bloomah’s City Farm came out in Mispacha’s Jr Magazine! I am excited and nervous – especially about the cover, because I never expected that they would feature a photo of my son there. My No Photo Policy I […]

Animal Instincts: Do Humans Have them?

The amazing thing about living with animals is I get to observe a very powerful force of nature up close: Instinct. For example, my pet hen Stripey knows exactly how to incubate and hatch eggs, even though she never read a parenting book, never saw another chicken do it, and she herself was born in […]

Why I never planted peanuts before – and why I did now

My peanuts sprouted! I have wanted to grow peanuts for such a long time but I never did. Since they are legumes (kitniyot). there is a halachic imperative to leave a big space between them and other vegetables (48-60 cm, depending on which halachic opinion you follow) Beans are also kitniyot – another summer favorite […]