First Look at Your Farmland + Save the Date

First… The news!
TheĀ Educational farm finally confirmed the date of our first women’s farming session – Wednesday April 21, 2021 – 9:30am.

Get all the details here

Here is a photo of the land they have assigned to us

It doesn’t look like much right now but thankfully we are women of vision, ready to work the land and reap its blessings, with Hashem’s help.

The main thing is that there is lots of sun and space – and ladybugs to boot. Also a big road nearby but that’s city farming!

Why am I so excited about this?

Anyone who follows Bloomah’s or has come to one of my workshops knows how much I want to bring farming experiences to people living in Israeli cities.

However, if you’re like most of my readers, then you:

A. Don’t have a yard

B. Have no clue where to start

C. Don’t have tools, supplies or easy access to plants

D. Think that city farming is a pipe dream

That’s why I know that I need to give you:

A. Space to farm close to home

B. Practical hands-on guidance

C. Everything you need to do this

D. A kick in the pants Enthusiastic in-person encouragement šŸ™‚

That is what the Women’s Farming Experience will be.

And it’s coming your way very soon IYH.

Want to make sure you don’t miss out?

I will soon be sending news and updates, including all details about exactly what we’ll be doing, when and costs.

To stay in the loop, contact me and request to join either the google group or the whatsapp group (or both)

Yours in farming,

Naomi AKA Bloomah

PS. Welcome to the PS.

Here is where I tell the some of the crazy stuff that’s going on behind the scenes. You can stop reading now if it doesn’t interest you. All the pertinent info is above.

But if you care to listen, I will tell you a story about my interesting life right now.

Yesterday was Rosh Chodesh Nissan and it was a big day for me.

As background, this women’s farming idea started back in January when I met up with my long-time colleague Avishai Himelfarb, who recently took over management of the Beit Shemesh Educational Farm.

Since he was open to “shituf peula” (collaboration) I impulsively suggested the idea of offering real hands-on farming to women. I was thrilled that he was keen to start right away.

Then lockdown happened and then the farm staff got busy with other projects. I did a farming meetup last month, but otherwise progress has been slow.

I continued to push because spring is here and next year is Shmitta. So it was a case of “now… or not for a very long time.” 

It has taken months and many meetings and much research to finally get confirmation yesterday morning, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, that we are launching this farming project the week after Pesach IYH.

But here’s where the story gets interesting.

You see…I have been writing a novel, Yedidya, for the past 2.5 years.

This is a fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me to write the great Jewish novel (or at least to take my best shot at that lofty goal).

After years of writing and re-writing, endless hard work and much waiting and false turns, yesterday, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, I finally got the call.

The book was printed.

I went to Jerusalem to pick up my first copies.

Mazal tov!

But here’s the crazy thing… In consultation with my co-author and Feldheim, yesterday we decided that we will be launching this book – you guessed it – the week after Pesach!

Hmmm… How am I going to launch both these ambitious and vastly different undertakings in the same week? And why do they seem to be cosmically connected?

Please have patience with me if I am a little dizzy as my lifelong dreams collide. Thankfully “project management” is my middle name.

Hold on tight, this farming thing going to be great IYH!

PSS. If you want to check out my novel, Yedidya, and start reading it for free, click here 

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